House Quiz / Countdown Event

House Quiz / Countdown Event

Unami Tenga
Unami Tenga
House Quiz / Countdown Event

As February draws to a close the Heads of House are preparing themselves for the House Quiz / Countdown event which will be held on the 19th March 2020 from  3:30pm to 4:30pm. This is an event that has recently become a tradition at Bushey Meads School. It is an opportunity for the students to get together with people outside of their form and with students of different ages.

General knowledge quizzes are challenging and exciting and I believe that the quiz will not disappoint. It will be nice to see the students working together as part of a team to achieve success. Fun is a key element in this event and I’m hoping that the students will not be completely consumed by the competition aspect of this event I hope that they will have fun and enjoy themselves.

Beech house were crowned the winners last year and I am sure that they will be going into this years house event with confidence and poise. I suspect that it will not be an easy ride for Beech house as all the other houses will be trying to secure victory for themselves too.

As this will be my first time attending the quiz, I am very eager for the day to arrive. I’m not sure what to expect but I am convinced that there will be an electric atmosphere in the room.

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