A Growth Mindset School

A Growth Mindset School

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
A Growth Mindset School
It was great to see all our hard working Year 8 and 9 students listening so attentively in Associate Leader Mrs Wright’s Main School Assembly on the important theme of Growth. As a school we encourage all students to have a growth mindset and believe that through hard work and being motivated they can achieve all their aspirations and dreams. 
She encouraged students to sleep well, take time to be quiet and reflect (away from the distractions of noise and social media) and to commit themselves to continuing to working hard.
Some great video clips and lovely music ‘book-ended’ her inspiring assembly which will hopefully motivate our students to continue their positive journey of achievement at Bushey Meads.
As parents and carers do talk to your children about what they took away from her assembly to make a difference to their journey through BMS.
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