Year 8 Sensory Activity Mats
Year 8 are working on their sensory activity mat project. Students have chosen a target market that their activity mat will be aimed at and are now beginning to design their mats...
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Year 8 are working on their sensory activity mat project. Students have chosen a target market that their activity mat will be aimed at and are now beginning to design their mats...
Posted by Charlotte Hewitt
The Anti-bullying Ambassadors met up with the students of the Princes’ Trust (BMS), to hand over a £211.01 cheque, money raised from their charity events. The Princes’ Trust will...
Posted by Helen Mateides
A Christmas Carol is the most famous and heart-warming festive story of them all. Written in 1843, Dickens wrote his novella in response to British social attitudes towards...
Posted by Natalie Stanton
The Dance Department’s Student Awards were created to award students from all years and key stages for their commitments, efforts, improvements and successes at the end of every...
Posted by Eliz Noyan
On Friday 10th December, Councillor Lawrence Brass visited BMS to speak to law and politics students about his political and legal career. Councillor Brass explained how his...
Posted by Stephanie Knowles
At Bushey Meads we place a high emphasis on recognising and rewarding achievement and many students have finished this first term of 2021.22 with over 100 reward points which is...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
This term has seen KS3 science club start up once again, with a fantastic number of curious young scientists participating in a range of fun and educational activities during...
Posted by Shaheel Mehta
On behalf of the Pastoral Team we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy 2022! We would like to thank parents and carers for their continued...
Posted by Chantal Smith
On Wednesday afternoon 60 students from Little Reddings yr6 group came to view their artwork in the Bushey Meads Gallery. The students have been learning about different artists...
Posted by Sam Cole
MFL Faculty once again received some very creative entries for the annual Christmas Card Competition. The entries were very impressive, demonstrating not only our MFL students’...
Posted by Hilarie Charles
Year 8 are working on their sensory activity mat project. Students have chosen a target market that their activity mat will be aimed at and are now beginning to design their mats for the chosen clients. Students could choose between two target market groups; the elderly with Alzheimer’s/dementia or young children between the ages of 2 and 5.
Last week, they were practising their hand embroidery skills as well as using the sewing machines to make applique samples. Applique is the French word which means ‘to apply’. This technique is used to apply one fabric on top of another which is usually secured with stitching around the edge. This is the main decorative technique that students will use when making their activity mats.
After Christmas they will also be learning about how to tie dye the background fabric.
It was a real pleasure to see the year 10 3D design class working so hard on a Friday afternoon. This half term they are focusing on improving the quality of their practical work...
A team of year 7 students from Bushey Meads triumphed at the London regional final of the F1 in Schools competition. ‘The Rays of F1’ team; Matthew L, Alex C, Ishaan...