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Year 7 Communities in Humanities

Year 7 Communities in Humanities

Richard Dowty
Richard Dowty
Year 7 Communities in Humanities

During the past half term, year 7 students in humanities have been exploring the theme of communities within the different subjects of history, RE and geography. Students have produced some excellent projects relating to the different types of communities studied across the world and through time.

In history, students have discovered how people in the medieval world lived within their communities. They have creatively re-told the stories of unfortunate individuals who would have taken part in the often cruel and barbaric practices surrounding law and order. Whilst also producing leaflets and models displaying the sights, sounds and smells of medieval villages.

In RE, students looked at the how different religious communities practice their faiths and worship in specific religious buildings and how certain rules guide their actions. Students discussed the importance of rules in communities, considering a world without rules and the implications of this.

In geography, students have learned about different communities from around the world. They have discovered how people in different places live and adapt to their surroundings and help their communities thrive. They have also created models of these different communities, displaying the unique ways communities live.

All in all, the year 7s have enjoyed the different approaches to studying the theme of communities and have shown great enthusiasm in showcasing their learning.

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