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Maths Challenge – Issue 10
Scientist of the Week – Issue 10

Year 7 Poetry Workshop at Stanmore Library
As part of the English Faculty’s ongoing commitment to supporting our most able students, we were excited to take 10 Y7 students to a poetry workshop being run by the Authors...

Fashion Designers of the Future
On Tuesdays after school as group of creative year 9s have been developing their fashion illustration skills, taking part in a project runway style challenge that we have...

Raising Achievement Evening
It was great to see the hall full of year 11 students, parents and carers this week for the Raising Achievement Evening on Tuesday 13th March. Students received a pack full of...

FMSP Year 10 Maths Feast 2018
On 14th March 2018 four of our top year 10 mathematicians (Pallav, Bhavik, Lewis and Pavit) seized the opportunity to put their maths skills to the test in a team based...

Swimming Gala
As we celebrated the end of more able week it was great to see two Bushey Meads students representing the school in the County schools swimming gala. Megan Worley (Yr7) and...

BMS at the Rotary Problem Solving Competition 2018
A great day at this years competition held at Bushey Academy Old Hall. Bushey Meads was represented very admirably by: Year 7: Noah, Ashwin, Haard and Rachit Year 9: Andrei,...

BMS Staff Present at PiXL National Conference in London
On Tuesday of this week Deputy Headteacher – Mrs Ash, Advanced Skills Leader and Head of Faculty, Maths – Mr Varsani and Head of Faculty, English – Ms Court...