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Scientist of the Week

Reading Champions Challenge
Last Wednesday, eight of our enthusiastic Year 7 students took part in the National Reading Champions Quiz run by the National Literacy Trust. It’s the first time...
IT Opportunities in the Army
Roles in IT and Computing are essential for ensuring Army troops worldwide can stay connected on the battlefield, and technical information can be analysed and turned into...

Best Practice Captured in Maths as part of our third Marking and Feedback Fortnight
It is always a privilege to walk through the Maths Faculty at Bushey Meads School and see teachers and learning assistants passionate about maths and instilling a love of learning...

Outdoor STEM action!
What would happen if a complete ring of bark was eaten? With the wonderful sunshine we have been blessed with this week, Mr Burley seized the opportunity to take his science class...

Sixth Form Next Steps Event
We take supporting the aspirations and ambitions of our Sixth Form students very seriously at Bushey Meads School, so I was delighted to lead our Next Steps evening for parents,...

This is not an “adiós”…
Dear Bushey Meads staff members and students, After 9 months working in this lovely school, it is now time to say goodbye. On the first of September 2020, when I joined BMS, I...

Student Engagement In MFL
It’s good to see that there has progress in the time that I have been here. One of my year 12 students emailed me to let me know how much she has grown in spanish and how...

Year 9 become Screendance Directors and Choreographers
Last term, Year 9 dancers took on a new challenge where they combined their dance and photography skills to create Screen Dances. Screendance is a hybrid arts form that combines...