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House Points Update

PE Health and Health Faculty News (26th Oct – 8th Nov 2018)
NEWS KS3 INTER HOUSE CROSS-COUNTRY Well done Oak House – Champions! The last week before half term saw the traditional Inter House Cross-Country competitions for all...

Science Club and the Drawbots
It was great to see students come to Science Club so soon after their return from the half-term holiday. With great enthusiasm and endeavour, all the students were tasked with...

Little Reddings Nursery & Reception Open Days

High Achiever Awards – first half Autumn Term 2018
As many of you are aware throughout the year, every half term, each faculty is asked to nominate one student from each year group to receive a prestigious High Achiever Award...

Awareness Evening – Knives, Gangs and County Lines

Anti Bullying at Bushey Meads
Every Monday the Anti-bullying Ambassadors continue to meet in LRC4 at lunchtime to discuss current and up and coming events taking place within the school. On the 9/10/18 the...

Year 10 & 11 trip to Pevensey Castle and Battle Abbey
On the last day of term year 10 and 11 history students went on a trip to Pevensey castle followed by a visit to Battle Abbey. Pevensey castle is this year’s GCSE case study and...

Technology Assisted Self and Peer Assessment
As one of the country’s first and leading technology colleges, with all our experience and rich legacy we continue to maximise the use of cutting edge state of the art resources...