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Well done Year 11…

Well done Year 11…

Suresh Varsani
Suresh Varsani
Well done Year 11…

This week saw the majority of the second round of assessments being completed by our Year 11 students.  In the final two weeks, teachers will still have the opportunity to get evidence from the work completed in lessons and I would encourage students to make the most of these opportunities.

We are extremely proud of how our students have risen to the ever changing climate and challenge of exams and gradings this year.  Despite all challenges, lots of our students have continued to engage really well with lessons, Cracking the Core morning sessions, lunchtime and after school booster sessions, the Fabulous Friday revision sessions, the Rising Stars mentoring programme, the Time to Sh9ne morning sessions and lots and lots of independent exam practice.  Students have had the opportunity to collect gold stars in their Passports of Progress, working towards a £15 Amazon voucher.  We really hope our Year 11 students have felt the support all staff have provided and that they feel proud of all the work they have put in.

Please remember the GCSE exam results collection day is on Thursday 12th August and further information relating to this day will be sent out to parents shortly.
Wishing all of our Year 11 students and families the very best for the remaining two weeks and beyond.

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