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Mental Health Awareness Week – Staff Rounders

Mental Health Awareness Week – Staff Rounders

Sarah Cooper
Sarah Cooper
Mental Health Awareness Week – Staff...

As part of mental health awareness week over 20 members of staff took part in a friendly – well supposedly friendly!! – rounders match on Wednesday afternoon.

Split into two teams a 3 innings match was undertaken and some impressive striking and fielding skills were demonstrated.  We all know that the staff at BMS have an immense array of talents and on the rounders field it is no exception.

Mr Mitchell, Mr Burnell and Mr Newbold running and making fine catches with aplomb!  Miss Falusi a demon at 4th post with her reverse hand diving stumpings! Mr Thornton sliding in for safety at every post, not quite rounders but very impressive! Miss C Wright with fantastic fielding and batting skills. Who knew Miss Noyan could score rounders hitting the ball miles, with a little pirouette to finish at 4th post. Miss Whittingham showing her competitive streak scoring points time and time again. Ms Paddick and Miss H Booth awesome in their roles as backstop and ball bush retrievers! These were just a few of the superstar staff and the once in a lifetime moments that were seen.

The laughter and commaradory were infectious and it was lovely to  observe everyone outside running around, at various speeds, and in such good spirits.

Well done everyone you truly benefited my mental health tonight with your enthusiasm and enjoyment it was a pleasure to see. I can’t wait for round 2!

It would be lovely to see more students replicating the staff’s efforts, rounders practice takes place on Monday and Wednesdays after school and all details are in the google classrooms. 

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