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Welcome Back From Humanities and Social Sciences

Welcome Back From Humanities and Social Sciences

Stephanie Knowles
Stephanie Knowles
Welcome Back From Humanities and Social...

The Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty welcomed back all year groups to lessons over the past week. It was particularly thrilling to see the new year 7, the new GCSE and A Level students who had chosen to take one of its exciting courses, many of which students do not have the chance to study at key stage three.

Here are some highlights from the week:

Ms Falusi ran an interactive lesson with her year 12 RE class using hinge questions to assess the learning.

In history, Mr Lyley’s new A level class ended the lesson, after the cleaning of desks and area to make all Covid-safe for the next class, with a quick fire quiz.

In law, Ms Knowles’ year 12 class tested their understanding of the difference between civil and criminal law with signalling the answer to scenario questions – some students more enthusiastically than others!

In Geography, with Ms Dunsby, the new year 7s were problem solving – working out key geography words using images. The students, as you can see from the smiling faces, all were engaged and loved the activity. One new student even posed for the photo!

The faculty looks forward to seeing all students achieve their potential over the year.

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