We Can All Grow in Confidence!
Head of Standards, Safeguarding and SEND, Mrs Ash has been leading the main school assemblies this week on the theme of Confidence. Sometimes we think that people are born...
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Head of Standards, Safeguarding and SEND, Mrs Ash has been leading the main school assemblies this week on the theme of Confidence. Sometimes we think that people are born...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Deputy Head of Maths Miss Timmins led our Friday Faculty Foci at the end of last week and shared some excellent practice related to revision-based lesson starters and embedded...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
I would like to congratulate all the staff and students for their involvement in this week’s charming Christmas Soiree that took place on a very frosty Tuesday evening; the...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Last Thursday the carols were playing in our School Restaurant and more students and staff than ever enjoyed a superb Christmas Dinner with all the trimmings provided by Innovate...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
As Head of Sixth Form one of my favorite jobs is to work with students looking at their next steps when they leave school for the wider world. Over the last few years it’s been...
Posted by Matthew O'Kelly
On Wednesday 7th December, year 11 English students visited the Charles Dickens Museum in London. As part of our study of A Christmas Carol, we were invited to attend a trip at...
Posted by Saina Asadi
FOOTBALL Year 9 Boys v Onslow (County Plate) AWAY Mr Cartledge Date : Thursday 8th December 2022 Result : Won 5-2 Scorers : R Christou-Totesaut 2, K Fung, G Guainiere, J Gladdy...
Posted by Ashley Cartledge
Two weeks ago, a Year 8 student Lamar Alsaedi participated in the online CyberFirst Girls Competition 2023 in her own time. She completed some of the “Challenges” and within each...
Posted by Mo Abusef
Last week saw our annual House arts competition take place and saw a huge number of students taking part in a wide variety of competitions. Encompassing 6 separate Arts of;...
Posted by Matthew O'Kelly
We would like to take this opportunity to signpost avenues of support should you have an urgent safeguarding concern. These are particularly important to be aware of if you have a...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Head of Standards, Safeguarding and SEND, Mrs Ash has been leading the main school assemblies this week on the theme of Confidence. Sometimes we think that people are born confident and others not, however she reminded us that we can actually all grow in confidence by trying new things, sometimes failing but also achieving and really demonstrating a growth mindset to enable us to develop greater confidence to take on new challenges over time and develop our character accordingly.
After being at school for 15 out of 39 weeks already (nearly 40% of the year!) our students are definitely more confident than when they started the academic year in September.
Pictured here on Monday morning with our superb Sixth Form students, they are all confident, aspirational role models for the rest of the student body to look up to.
I always find our House Assemblies incredibly thought provoking and often a really inspiring way to start the day. Mrs Pattni’s Elm House Assembly on Wednesday of this week...
It was a privilege to visit all Year 7 Character Development Groups for their CDC time at the start of the week last week and see all students so engaged with the activities...