Outstanding Next Steps for our Sixth Form
As Head of Sixth Form one of my favorite jobs is to work with students looking at their next steps when they leave school for the wider world. Over the last few years it’s been...
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As Head of Sixth Form one of my favorite jobs is to work with students looking at their next steps when they leave school for the wider world. Over the last few years it’s been...
Posted by Matthew O'Kelly
On Wednesday 7th December, year 11 English students visited the Charles Dickens Museum in London. As part of our study of A Christmas Carol, we were invited to attend a trip at...
Posted by Saina Asadi
FOOTBALL Year 9 Boys v Onslow (County Plate) AWAY Mr Cartledge Date : Thursday 8th December 2022 Result : Won 5-2 Scorers : R Christou-Totesaut 2, K Fung, G Guainiere, J Gladdy...
Posted by Ashley Cartledge
Two weeks ago, a Year 8 student Lamar Alsaedi participated in the online CyberFirst Girls Competition 2023 in her own time. She completed some of the “Challenges” and within each...
Posted by Mo Abusef
Last week saw our annual House arts competition take place and saw a huge number of students taking part in a wide variety of competitions. Encompassing 6 separate Arts of;...
Posted by Matthew O'Kelly
We would like to take this opportunity to signpost avenues of support should you have an urgent safeguarding concern. These are particularly important to be aware of if you have a...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Joey 12M Mr Chalkley has nominated Joey for all his help and support with the Year 7’s in D&T lessons. Mr Chalkley has commented how likeable and approachable Joey is and that...
Posted by Giles Monks
On Wednesday, students from the Learning Support Faculty visited Watersmeet Theatre in Rickmansworth to watch this years Christmas Panto, Aladdin. This special performance was...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Lenovo and Stemettes are inviting girls, women and non-binary people aged 5-25 in February to a STEMtastic hybrid hackathon with a focus on food resources! Stemettes Hack @...
Posted by Mo Abusef
Posted by Donna King
As Head of Sixth Form one of my favorite jobs is to work with students looking at their next steps when they leave school for the wider world. Over the last few years it’s been exciting to see so many of our students go and follow their dreams. We like to celebrate our student progress and as such have collated our students’ next steps on our Sixth Form Destinations Board. Each year the destinations of our students are of interest to our current cohort as they have people they can contact for the ‘inside scoop’ about life at that University.
One student who I think we should celebrate their next step with is Yash, who left us last summer to attend Cambridge University to read Medicine. Not taking the traditional route into Cambridge, Yash waited until his results day and then contacted them. With his outstanding hard work in the preparation for his exams and his excellent outcomes, Yash was accepted through a special scheme for those who have achieved excellent results. The Sixth Form Team would like to wish him all the best for his studies and we are sure he will offer much in return to the University and to the medical profession in the years to come.
On Tuesday 3rd July some of our year 12 students visited Immanuel college to attend a Kick-start Medicine Event; focusing on preparing for medicine applications. The students...
Last Wednesday evening the Main Hall, F and H Block classrooms and our superb Sixth Form area were packed full of interested potential applicants to our outstanding Sixth Form...