The Proven Power of SAM Learning
At Bushey Meads School we invest in the online learning platform Sam Learning to help support all our students from Years 7 to Year 13 make progress with their learning. Research...
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At Bushey Meads School we invest in the online learning platform Sam Learning to help support all our students from Years 7 to Year 13 make progress with their learning. Research...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Posted by James Felix
Posted by Danielle Bowe
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
NEWS KS3 INTER HOUSE CROSS-COUNTRY Well done Oak House – Champions! The last week before half term saw the traditional Inter House Cross-Country competitions for all...
Posted by Ashley Cartledge
It was great to see students come to Science Club so soon after their return from the half-term holiday. With great enthusiasm and endeavour, all the students were tasked with...
Posted by Damien O'Brien
Posted by Jeremy Turner
As many of you are aware throughout the year, every half term, each faculty is asked to nominate one student from each year group to receive a prestigious High Achiever Award...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Posted by Kashan Malik
Every Monday the Anti-bullying Ambassadors continue to meet in LRC4 at lunchtime to discuss current and up and coming events taking place within the school. On the 9/10/18 the...
Posted by Helen Mateides
At Bushey Meads School we invest in the online learning platform Sam Learning to help support all our students from Years 7 to Year 13 make progress with their learning.
Research has proved that students who regularly use Sam Learning in addition to their set home learning make more progress than those that do not.
Students can access Sam Learning via the Bushey Meads website or by logging in directly to the Sam Learning website:
Login details are as follows:
It is a very useful revision tool for end of topic tests in each year group but more especially at GCSE.
Proven Impact
A ten-year series of impact studies by FFT (Fischer Family Trust) shows real impact on progress, especially at GCSE by students with 10 task hours use of e-learning. It proved that for those students who regularly used SAMLearning as a revision tool increased their GCSE grade in 2 subject areas compared to those who did not use SAMLearning.
Commit to completing just 20 minutes of SAMLearning tasks, 5 days a week for the year and see your progress accelerate.
Exciting dance projects are underway for BMS where we will be entering a regional dance competition called ‘The Great Big Dance Off’. Regional heats will be taking place in...
On Wednesday afternoon we held the very important Year 11 Pre Public Examination Results Assembly in the Main Hall. It was a powerful occasion and certainly made the hard working...