Fashion Designers of the Future

Fashion Designers of the Future

Hannah Budd
Hannah Budd
Fashion Designers of the Future

On Tuesdays after school as group of creative year 9s have been developing their fashion illustration skills, taking part in a project runway style challenge that we have organised to give students a glimpse at the possibilities that studying textiles at GCSE can offer them.

They were put into teams and given themes to explore including ‘carnival,’ ‘tropical,’ and ‘nature.’ They begun by experimenting with a range of fashion illustration techniques using water colours and fine liners, as well as collage to express their ideas.
In the next session the task was to choose parts from each of their designs to combine to create a final outfit or costume. We began looking at fabrics and materials that could be used, and thinking more carefully about the construction of each piece.

Next week we will begin learning techniques that will help us make these unusual garments become a reality. The girls have some fantastic ideas, and we are looking forward to seeing what the groups produce in the weeks to come!

If you are a year 9 considering studying Textiles, and would like to know more, please contact Miss Budd or Miss Pattni.

By Miss Budd and Miss Pattni

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