1st Teacher Triad Session of the Year

1st Teacher Triad Session of the Year

Claire Till
Claire Till
1st Teacher Triad Session of the Year

At BMS we have real ambition for our students and staff alike and were therefore delighted to host our first Teacher Triad sessions of the year this week.  This event saw staff being invited to run sessions and share best practice with colleagues through physically distanced and remote sessions.  Initiatives both new and on-going that were covered included: Developing Brain Power; Fabulous Foundations and Personalised Learning for All.

This opportunity to disseminate techniques and strategies as well as for planning these exciting initiatives into lessons allows all staff to be nurtured and supported in perfecting their craft.  Designed as high-impact sessions that support our quality-first teaching approach the lead staff embraced recent educational research, our specific school context and their experience to deliver informative and useful techniques that enrich our commitment to developing a growth mindset. The ultimate aim being to provide the right balance of inspiration, challenge and support in order to ensure that all students realise their potential in the time that they are with us.

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