A Great Start to the Day on Tuesday!

A Great Start to the Day on Tuesday!

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
A Great Start to the Day on Tuesday!
It was lovely to join Beech House Assembly on Tuesday morning of this week and see our new Deputy Headteacher Ms de Groot introduce herself as the Senior Leader linked to Beech House and host the inspirational and thought provoking assembly and reflect on the positive messages delivered by Beech Head of House Mrs Bragoli.
Based on the Theme of the Week Communication Mrs Bragoli started with a couple of key questions: ‘Have you ever communicated something that was misunderstood?’ and ‘How did it make you feel?’
This provided a chance for all the members of Beech House to think about the importance of communication, which was reinforced by her reminders throughout the assembly of the many ways that we interact and do this with those around us, and the impact it can have for good.
She asked everyone to think about the different careers that they might be doing in the future and how communication can be key to creating those all important networks and pathways to success. She even provided some visual reminders of Beech House students positively participating in work-related scenarios which was great to see.
Being part of a House at Bushey Meads enables you to be part of a smaller family within our larger school community. There are loads of special events to look forward to – not least the Annual House Arts Event coming up on Tuesday 26th November at 3.30 pm. Mrs Bragoli encouraged all students to start preparing their arts entries and take part in this great event.
We are also looking forward to the Pizza and Popcorn parties which are provided for all those with top Attitude to Learning scores and top attendance to school.
Lots to look forward to!

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