PE Health and Health Faculty News (31st January 2024)
NEWS Mr Cartledge Head of PE and Health BASKETBALL Year 8 Boys v Croxley Danes (District League) AWAY Mr O’Kelly/Mr James Date : Thursday 25th January 2024 Result : 20...
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NEWS Mr Cartledge Head of PE and Health BASKETBALL Year 8 Boys v Croxley Danes (District League) AWAY Mr O’Kelly/Mr James Date : Thursday 25th January 2024 Result : 20...
Posted by Ashley Cartledge
As an extended project for year 12 prefects, we have decided to run lunchtime clubs for all year groups in order to allow the younger students more access to extracurricular...
Posted by Madeline Silla
MRs Hughes, Head of Ash House, delivered an assembly to Ash House on this week’s theme of Tolerance. Mrs Hughes linked the theme to our school core values of Respect,...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Our Learning Resource Centre (LRC) continues to be an important hub of the school. Before school and at break time and lunchtime students can access all the books and state of the...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
On Thursday Year 13 students took part in round one of the Chemistry Olympiad, a nationwide competition that puts young minds to the test. Under the guidance of dedicated...
Posted by Maryam Razavi
Firstly, I have to congratulate the top five students in Beech House with the most Reward points: 1. Jessie M 217 R Points 0 C Points 2. Jack M 199 R Points ...
Posted by Eliz Noyan
At Bushey Meads School, to support our strong focus on our 3 Rs of Respect, Responsibility and Relationships, we expect all students to follow our clear Keys to Success displayed...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
In a large school it is important to know who to contact if you would like to raise a concern or provide us with information. If you have a concern you would like to share with...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
On Friday 19th January, the GCSE and A Level art students went on a day trip to the Tate Modern. The GCSE students have recently received their Externally Set Assignment title...
Posted by Sam Cole
At Bushey Meads teachers are always looking for ways to increase engagement in learning, measure progress and adapt lessons to ensure maximum achievement. The use of mini...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Mr Cartledge Head of PE and Health
Year 8 Boys v Croxley Danes (District League) AWAY Mr O’Kelly/Mr James
Date : Thursday 25th January 2024
Result : 20 – 15 Loss
Scorers :P. Soteriou, K. Johnson ,R. Doran, F. Gee
Squad : F. Gee, R. Doran, K. Johnson, P. Soteriou, E. Pinto, M. Appa, S. McGrath, M. Tarjan, B. Spencer, E. Goddard
Commended performances: P. Soteriou
Comment : The Year 8’s took part in their first competitive basketball match of the year against Croxley Danes. BMS started off well scoring a few early baskets, however lack of concentration at times which did lead to Croxley scoring. As the game progressed BMS showed positive signs of a comeback but failed to capitalise with their lay up shots and contesting for rebounds. After that BMS struggled to get back into the game after going 4 baskets down in the third quarter and at times did struggle with the fundamentals, which lead to Croxley winning However it was a positive experience for the students to play, special mention to B. Spencer and M. Tarjan who stepped up at the last minute to represent the school. We hope to develop our skills in training every Tuesday lunchtime so that we can put what we practise into our next upcoming fixture.
Year 8 Boys DISTRICT DIV 1 5-A-SIDE FESTIVAL @ Queens Powerleague
Mr Cartledge/Mr James
Date : Monday 29th January 2024
Squad : F. Hoy, R. Hodgson, R. Doran, K. Johnson, J. Lewis, K. Walker, A. Chaudhry, B. Spencer
Results : Winners !
Game Results
FINAL v Westfield – 3-1 (Win)
Overall Position = 1st (Winners)
Comment : The boys featured in the annual 5-a-side District tournament which was played at Power League. It was a Round Robin competition eventually leading to play off matches. BMS played attacking football with fast build ups leading to some very good goals being scored. At the other end of the pitch, F. Hoy made some smart stops throughout the tournament and the defence defended resiliently throughout. It was a very good experience for the team which they did enjoy. Following all the round robin group games the BMS team qualified for the Final where they met Westfield who we defeated 3-1 – a brilliant effort by all the boys (Mr James)
Special mention to the Year 10 and 11 Sports leaders who were excellent referees and great role models for the younger students. Well done to K Tinriover, C Tegzes, Z Watson, L Fearnside, S Mowle, J Allan,
Year 11 Boys v Queens (County Plate) AWAY Mr Cartledge
Date : Friday 26th January 2024
Result : Lost 6-1
Scorers : G Eldridge
Squad : A Gates, O Spencer, K Ford, F Cross, S Millbery, G Eldridge, C Tegzes, J Harris, I Harry Brown, K Tinriover, A Bracewell, H Cooper, M McManus
Commended performances : G Eldridge
Comment : The boys put in a great effort against local rivals Queens with a fantastic first half performance seeing the boys take a 1-0 lead with a great goal from G Eldridge. The lead was held until 1 minute before the break when Queens forced an equaliser. The second half saw the game get stretched and Queens took advantage of some tired legs in the BMS ranks.
Year 7 v SJA (League) AWAY Mrs Cartledge
Date : Tuesday 30th January 2024
Result : Lost 17-1
Squad : A Yu, L Mysiak, Z Dunlop, E Hughes, M Andronicou R Grangier, Y loku Galapaththige
Commended performances : Z Dunlop for great movement and defending on court
Comment : This was a really tough game for the year 7’s. Unfortunately St Joan of Arc were stronger in their passing and defending and despite the girls trying hard they were unable to pass the ball often into our attacking half. Lots to learn and put into practice.
Year 11 v SJA (League) AWAY Mrs Cartledge
Date : Tuesday 30th January 2024
Result : Lost 15-10
Squad: A.Chaudhry, E.Hauff, E.Rogers, M.Cozens, E.Williams, J.Verrey, N.Donald, P.Pryra
Commended performances : N. Donald for great defending in the circle.
Comment : This was a very exciting game with excellent defending and attacking play by Bushey Meads. At the end of the first quarter J of Arc led by 1 goal and by the end of the first half they were behind by 5 goals. In the third quarter the girls came back fighting and dominated the game with strong passing, excellent interceptions and shooting. The girls pulled it back to a 4 goal difference by working hard together as a team. In the final quarter St J of Arc pulled away slightly to win by 5 goals. Excellent effort by all . Well done.
Year 9 v FAW (League) AWAY Mrs Cartledge
Date : Wednesday 31st January 2024
Result : Won 12-2
Squad: M Rumney, A Gibson, G Goldstein, E Mullings, R Chudasma, A Belghiru, N Edirisuriya
Commended performances: M Rumney for great shooting and finding space in the circle.
Comment :This was a strong performance from the girls. We took the lead quickly and began to settle into the game by taking time with our passes to ensure possession. With strong shooting, excellent defending in the circle and constant movement down court the girls gained an impressive lead of 10 goals in the third quarter. We decided to play versatility in the last quarter for the girls to experience other positions and to show sportsmanship.. We still managed to win the game comfortably. An impressive win with a great performance by all. Well done girls and a special mention for G Goldstein for great play in her first match in the year 9 netball team.
PE kit
It is essential that students have the full correct PE kit for all lessons. This includes shinpads and black /yellow socks when participating in football lessons and also a pair of white sports socks for all other activities. Students will be reminded when activities change. Trainers are a compulsory piece of PE kit and should be brought to EVERY PE lesson.
Students not bringing the correct kit will instantly receive consequence points.
Girls should be wearing plain black shorts which are longer than the length of their PE shirt or hoody. Leggings should be black sports leggings and not see through. Black tracksuit bottoms are also permitted.
ALL jewellery should be removed prior to the start of the lesson, including earrings, and hair should be tied up.
For any parental enquiries about any aspects of PE contact the Head of PE and Health Faculty Ashley Cartledge . For any specific issues related to Girls PE and girls fixtures contact
Sarah Cooper
RUGBY Year 8 Boys RUGBY DEVELOPMENT TOURNAMENT Mr Harris Date : Thursday 9th March 2023 Result : Won 4 games vs Reach Free, Grange Academy, Queens & St Michaels. Squad: J....
PE CONCEPT of the Week: Competence (HANDS) Mrs Cartledge The BMS PE and Health Faculty are committed to promoting an active, healthy lifestyle amongst the BMS student population....