We Can All Grow in Confidence!

We Can All Grow in Confidence!

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
We Can All Grow in Confidence!

Head of Standards, Safeguarding and SEND, Mrs Ash has been leading the main school assemblies this week on the theme of Confidence. Sometimes we think that people are born confident and others not, however she reminded us that we can actually all grow in confidence by trying new things, sometimes failing but also achieving and really demonstrating a growth mindset to enable us to develop greater confidence to take on new challenges over time and develop our character accordingly.

After being at school for 15 out of 39 weeks already (nearly 40% of the year!) our students are definitely more confident than when they started the academic year in September.

Pictured here on Monday morning with our superb Sixth Form students, they are all confident, aspirational role models for the rest of the student body to look up to.

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