Splendorous Sycamore Students

Splendorous Sycamore Students

Kashan Malik
Kashan Malik
Splendorous Sycamore Students

During these very challenging times, there has been a huge impact on the school community, however the students of Sycamore house continue to amaze me with their grit and positivity.

I would like to introduce you to the Sycamore Hall of Fame. A half termly occurrence where students will be celebrated for their contributions to the school, their attitude to learning, and more recently for their engagement in live lessons.

Top Sycamore student Amy 10S, is one of many students impressed with the live lessons: “The live lessons are very helpful as they are interactive and mostly allow you to work more effectively at home. It’s nice to see the teachers and know that other students are participating at the same time as you.”

This half term, the focus is students from each year that have the most achievement points in Sycamore house. Well done to all students for their achievements.

House Point Race!

We are approaching the halfway point of the academic year and we are currently in 3rd place, just on the heels of Ash house. With a positive attitude and determination, I am sure we can move up the leaderboard and even come first by the end of the year.

Tips for getting reward points:

  • Make positive contributions in lessons
  • Be helpful and kind to others
  • Show initiative and research or learn around the subject
  • Take part in competitions
  • Attend live lessons
  • House Arts Competition

Due to the challenges of Covid, our initial plans for the House Arts competition had to be amended to suit the current situation. For all of you who have submitted an entry, please be reassured that we will be launching an online alternative to the event very shortly. So keep your eyes peeled!

Finally, well done to all Sycamore students for their continued efforts. Stay positive, show yourself some care and compassion and if you have any concerns do not hesitate to contact your pastoral manager or CDC – we are here to help!

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