Sycamore House Celebrates Equality, Diversity, and Success at BMS
This week, Mrs Patel, Head of Sycamore House, led an inspiring assembly on equality and diversity, emphasising the importance of fostering a fair and inclusive community at Bushey...
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This week, Mrs Patel, Head of Sycamore House, led an inspiring assembly on equality and diversity, emphasising the importance of fostering a fair and inclusive community at Bushey...
Posted by Mo Abusef
It was a privilege to join Willow House for their final inspiring assembly of the term led by Head of House Mr Booth. The theme was Confidence and Mr Booth provided loads of...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Since the last update, students have made leaps and strides in progress. Assimilating back into student life seamlessly. Its that time again! Looking at our Sycamore Hall of Fame...
Posted by Kashan Malik
This week I was delighted to be able to catch up with Year 7 Maple. I felt it was important to touch base to hear the views of the Year 7 students journey so far at Bushey Meads....
Posted by Nicky Hughes
It has been great to see all the students back in school and eager to develop their skill and performance in the summer activities. This term will see students take part in...
Posted by Ashley Cartledge
I am pleased to announce the results of the annual House Arts Event. The theme for this year was Vision and we received a huge range of entries from poetry to photography. This...
Posted by Matthew O'Kelly
As we are all aware, the past year has been very different for us all. We have had to overcome barriers, change our way of learning and missed out on socialising with others...
Posted by Nicky Hughes
The challenges of this year have emphasised the importance of self-motivation and student’s use of initiative. In the latest House assembly, I had spoken to all Oak students about...
Posted by Andrew Symeou
As a Character Development Coach I strive to encourage my students to take part in school projects, and do what they can to better the community and have a ‘mind to be kind’. And...
Posted by Natasha Collins
It was brilliant to have Head of Beech House, Mr Mitchell run his assembly for 8 Beech this week. With kindness being the theme, Mr Mitchell and the students discussed the varying...
Posted by Eliz Noyan
This week, Mrs Patel, Head of Sycamore House, led an inspiring assembly on equality and diversity, emphasising the importance of fostering a fair and inclusive community at Bushey Meads school.
Mrs Patel highlighted how understanding and respect help create a sense of belonging where everyone feels valued.
During the assembly, we celebrated achievements within Sycamore House: Zayanah Mushtaq won the 2024-2025 house logo competition, Eleniyah Jacks earned best attendance, and Aja Permti received best ATL. Congratulations to all winners, including the pizza and popcorn party winners!
The assembly ended with the motivational message: “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken” by Oscar Wilde. Let’s continue to live our values of Respect, Responsibility, and Relationships every day.
After a year hiatus, the House Arts competition returns to Bushey Meads School. For those of you that may not have experienced this amazing event and for those that need...
NEWS KS3 INTER HOUSE CROSS-COUNTRY Well done Oak House – Champions! The last week before half term saw the traditional Inter House Cross-Country competitions for all...