Cracking the Core

Cracking the Core

Suresh Varsani
Suresh Varsani
Cracking the Core

From Monday of this week, our Year 11 students have been benefiting from yet another smart raising achievement strategy. Having just received their PPE results a few days earlier, in support of the drive to achieve their very best in the three core subjects of Maths, English and Science, CDC time in the morning has been cleverly coordinated so the students each get a minimum of an additional 60 minutes of focused revision from a core subject specialist per week. The students carousel between Maths English and Science according to a weighted timetable arranged by greatest needs. Many student comments from previous years have highlighted that they felt this was one of the most impactful raising achievement strategies they experienced.

However, at Bushey Meads, we have a culture of WWW (What Went Well) and EBI (Even Better If), so even with the best implemented strategies, we reflect and look for any tweaks for improvement. This year, we have tweaked the CDC time revision strategy by incorporating one of the weekly sessions to be a resilience and mindfulness session. In these sessions we are recognising the need to look after students mental health and well being at an increasingly pressured time of their school careers. Just as an example, in this week’s session there are many tips on the best ways to relax.
‘Cracking the Core’ with CDC time – what a great way to kick start the day! We wish our Year 11s the very best for the remaining weeks before the exams and as always we’ll be with you along every step of the way.

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