PE Health and Health Faculty News  (14th June – 20th June 2019)

PE Health and Health Faculty News (14th June – 20th June 2019)

Kashan Malik
Kashan Malik
PE Health and Health Faculty News (14th...


Year 10 Sports Studies Outdoor Activities trip to Cornwall

On Friday 14th June the Year 10 vocational Sports Studies class set off for the annual Outdoor activities trip to Bude in Cornwall. The 4 day trip is part of the Developing Knowledge and Skills in Outdoor Activities unit delivered on the course.

This year the group has been researching the different types of outdoor activities and the benefits and skills that can be gained from participating in these types of sports. After day trips sailing and BMX/mountain biking the group went on their final assessment trip to Cornwall. After a 6 hour journey the group went straight into a kayaking session with all of the group showing very good paddling skills whilst also getting very wet. After a coastal walk on the first evening the group continued on Saturday with a kayaking assessment followed by an outdoor climbing experience with many conquering their fears to complete the challenging climbs.

Sunday saw a climbing assessment on an indoor wall followed by 2 surfing sessions to complete the trip before returning on Monday evening. The group were a credit to the school and can be really proud of the way they approached all the activities.

The group returned having all achieved some really good assessment marks but more importantly having developed some really positive life skills which they can take forward with them in the future. A massive thankyou to Miss Booth who gave up her weekend to support the students.

Year 10 Sports Leaders

Over the last week the new group of Year 10 Sports Leaders have been continuing their training with sessions on communication skills and planning and delivering an effective session. The group of 15 have shown great enthusiasm and a real flair for leadership. On Wednesday they delivered their first optional sport individual sessions and I was really impressed by the quality of leadership skills they displayed. They are all working towards the Level 1 Sports Leaders UK qualification and next week will see them not only helping to officiate the Hartsbourne Primary School Sports Day but also running and officiating the BSJT Tag Rugby and Quik Cricket festival for over 100 primary school students from our local academy schools. Reports on these events will appear in future newsletters.


County League Athletics – Match 5

Date : Thurs 6th June 2019

Match 5 of the County league season was another very competitive match against very strong opposition including Roundwood Park, Hemel Hempstead, Watford Boys and Girls and |hemel Hempstead. The Junior Boys team continued their strong performance with an encouraging 46 points on the night with special mention to A Brown and D Richards who both recorded wins on the track

Commended performances :


Team score – 21 points – 5th

F Hadden Javelin 2nd


Team score – 46 points – 3rd

A Brown  200m 1st and 2nd Shot

D Richards 300m 1st

D Tegzez 800m 2nd

R Ismaili 1500m 2nd

Relay 3rd

A Ali Long Jump 3rd

N Haines Triple jump 2nd

F Spencer Pole Vault 3rd


Team score – 25 points – 4th

L Kirby 100m 3rd

B Coste800m

V Fordham Triple Jump 3rd


Team score – 24 points – 5th

P Kovar 1500m 3rd

C Mainwaring Shot 3rd

Year 10 Core PE Athletics

This term in core PE lessons the Year 10 boys have been participating in a team athletics competition. All the boys have participated in the full range of events with points being awarded for finishing position in each event. The boys have applied themselves really well with the full list of class results shown below :

Year 10 P1 – Mr O’Kelly

Team result : Winners points Individual Result
Team 4

B Bhanderi

C Mainwaring

N Patel

D Sivaganesh

A Sykes

  • C Mainwaring 237 points
  • M Uthayakumar 196 points
  • P Kulasinghe 170 points
  • J Norris-Ataie 161 points
  • T Phillips 154 points

Year 10 P1 – Mr Symeou

Team result : Winners points Individual Result
Team 1

P Nuka

B Castello

A Doody

L Enright

R Ford

L Handley

  • A Doody 198
  • T Vieru    187
  • J Marsh   175
  • L Enright   172
  • J Sotomey  166

Year 10 P2 – Mr Symeou

Team result : Winners Individual Result
Team 3

D Leach

N Marriot

E May-Petrie

Y Ponussamy

A Radhakrishnan

  • D Leach 174
  • N Marriot 155
  • M Sugeetharan 139
  • T Rodrigues 138
  • S Krishnapillai 122

Year 10 P2 – Mr Cartledge

Team result : Winners 263 points Individual Result
Team 3

Y Sarpkaya

A St Clair

J Griffith

I Murtaza

E Sanneh

  • B Sroka 158 points
  • A St Clair 113 points
  • O Wheeler 104 points
  • Y Sarpkaya 93 points
  • J Griffith 92 points

Year 10 P2 – Mr Burnell

Team result : Winners  points Individual Result
Team 3

T Gonzalez-Cardona

E Hinkley

M Furer

K Shah

J Harverson

  1. E Hinkley 160
  2. E Haberman 155
  3. H Rafiq 143
  4. T Gonzalez-Cardona 116
  5. D Hilton 110
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