Charity donation by the Anti-bullying ambassadors
The Anti-bullying ambassadors were visited by Ms Isles today, during their lunchtime social club, Our Space. They proudly handed over a check of £106.00, raised from their cake...
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The Anti-bullying ambassadors were visited by Ms Isles today, during their lunchtime social club, Our Space. They proudly handed over a check of £106.00, raised from their cake...
Posted by Helen Mateides
Winners of the Anti-bullying Poster Competition 2023 Very pleased to announce this year’s winners are 1st prize Maya 07E 2nd Prize Alara 07E 3rd Prize Lillianna 08A...
Posted by Helen Mateides
On the 13th of November we held our annual Anti-bullying week at BMS. This year’s theme was Make A Noise about Bullying !!! Students were able to take part in different...
Posted by Helen Mateides
Mrs Ash was invited to cut the ribbon in front of the Red Post box, for the launch of ‘Post a Note’. The Red Post box was donated by the Anti-bullying ambassadors, purchased by...
Posted by Helen Mateides
It has been another busy term in school. Year 11s are about to begin their GCSEs and year 13s their A levels. It can be a very stressful time. But with the help of family, friends...
Posted by Helen Mateides
All the Anti-bullying Ambassadors worked so hard during Anti-bullying Week. They raised awareness of bullying by asking BMS students to fill in questionnaires about their...
Posted by Helen Mateides
We are all looking forward to the activities planned by Mrs Mateides and her anti-bullying ambassadors during the national anti-bullying week, which is next week. These will...
Posted by Helen Blowers
“Kindness the quality of being friendly, generous, considerate, thinking about other people’s feelings” Kindness is more important today than it has ever been. The isolation...
Posted by Helen Mateides
On Monday, three of our long standing anti-bullying ambassadors joined the Senior Leadership Team in the Executive Principal’s office to share some of the great work they...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
On Tuesday we were very fortunate to have a visit from Major McGlynn REME Eng. This was the Major’s second visit to the school. He gave a talk to the Anti-bullying ambassadors and...
Posted by Helen Mateides
The Anti-bullying ambassadors were visited by Ms Isles today, during their lunchtime social club, Our Space. They proudly handed over a check of £106.00, raised from their cake sale during Anti-bullying week. Ms Isles accepted the monies, which will now be put towards her own Princes’ trust, fundraising charity to buy toys for the Starfish children’s ward at Watford general hospital. This year the purchases will be dedicated to the memory of Zach Barnes, one of our students who sadly passed away in September.
We are proud to share that Zainah, a former student from 13S, has successfully secured a spot on the Amazon Future Engineers Bursary programme and is now studying BSc Computer...
Hello All Christmas has well and truly arrived in the Pastoral office with decorations, tinsel and the obligatory fairy lights scattered around. Everyone in the team is looking...