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Anti Bullying Week… Coming Soon

Anti Bullying Week… Coming Soon

Helen Mateides
Helen Mateides
Anti Bullying Week… Coming Soon

“Kindness the quality of being friendly, generous, considerate, thinking about other people’s feelings”

Kindness is more important today than it has ever been. The isolation of the last year has shown us how little acts of communication can brighten the lives of others around us.

This is one of the reasons that ‘One Kind Word’ has been chosen as the theme of Anti-Bullying Week taking place from

15th to 19th of November 2021.

In a world that can feel like it’s filled with bad news and scary behaviour. One kind word can be a small light. It can shine into someone’s dark thoughts and bring a different perspective. It can change their everyday life and break the cycle of bullying.


Anti-bullying week – November 15th – 19th 2021

Come and meet the Anti-bullying ambassadors

Design Posters and enter competitions,

Cakes and sweets on sale

Every lunchtime in the LRC4

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