Socially Distanced Teaching and Learning

Socially Distanced Teaching and Learning

Claire Till
Claire Till
Socially Distanced Teaching and Learning

This week has been an exciting time with BMS welcoming back Year 11 and Year 12 students. A number of our Year 11 students engaged with the opportunity to experience socially distanced life in the sixth form.  Looking exceptionally smart in their business attire they spent the day working on extended learning activities to support them in moving from GCSE’s to A-Levels and higher vocational courses.  With many students expressing that they were pleased to be in school and have clear, safe routines in place to follow being testimony to the careful planning that went into organising this experience for the Year 11 students. Additionally, Year 12 students demonstrating their commitment to learning started attending timetabled lessons in their subjects. 

Arriving at specified times and spending their lesson time in a designated bubble and space meant students were able to communicate with each other and share ideas around learning.  An experience that many students voiced they had been missing and really enjoyed about attending their lesson. These lessons built on the students continued remote learning and the fantastic progress that they have been making through giving them valuable access to staff and the experience that their teachers and pastoral managers bring into work each day.  

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