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Students try Tapping

Students try Tapping

Helen Mateides
Helen Mateides
Students try Tapping

The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system. These include phobias, depression, trauma, anxiety, guilt etc. Any of these can be triggered at any time.

To restore the balance in our bodies we can tap on the bodies energy points or meridians. Consistent tapping on these points dissolves the disruption.

The technique is called Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping

The Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping works like emotional acupuncture, quickly, gently and easily releasing the negative emotions and beliefs that are at the root of all our problems and pain.

EFT has a direct effect on the Stress centre in the brain (amygdala) and the Memory, as well as being able to lower the stress hormone Cortisol.

By tapping gently on specific points on the body with your fingertips, while repeating a phrase out loud, you can zone in on the energy which has become stuck.

This then balances and opens the way for the energy travelling through these channels to flow freely throughout the body.

Exam Time !!!!!!!

EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping Can help to reduce stress around exam time

Sleeplessness, Tiredness, Irritability can all be Managed. EFT can bring a calm and clear mind, working by neutralising emotionally negative responses.

You still have to study and sit exams but, by taking away the negativity you will be able to remain focused during Exam Season

During mental health week students in Our Space took part in EFT demonstrations

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