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Breakfast Club
We are starting a breakfast Club in Learning Support from Monday 7th June 2021 from 7.30am – 8.30am. We will initially provide a range of toast, cereal, yoghurt, juice and...

Scientist Of The Week

Visit of Will Smith to Bushey Meads School
On Wednesday of this week it was a real privilege to welcome the CEO of the Greenshaw Learning Trust, founder of By Leaders for Leaders and ex Leader of Partners in Excellence...

Synergy within Ash House
Today marks seven weeks since the last Ash house update. Since then, there have been unbelievable highs and some learning experiences. We have also been battling through the...

Gabriela Shows What’s Possible When You ‘Aspire to Achieve’
Gabriela Zhelyazkova in year 12 shared some incredible news with us last week. Gabriela’s artwork was chosen to be displayed in an art gallery based in Cambridge, called Gallerie...

Student of the Week
We are very proud of our students at Bushey Meads and we are delighted to recognise hard work in all forms. The pastoral team chose the student of week by looking at all the...

Year 9 Reading Project with Little Reddings
It has been so exciting to watch our Year 9 students leading a project at Little Reddings to help Year 2 students to read. This is a fabulous example of our Multi Academy Trust...

Peace Talks in Year 9 RE
In RE, year 9 have been studying whether or not war is ever justified. On Wednesday I had the pleasure to watch a debate in Mr Burley’s class. The class had prepared for the...

Aspire to Achieve!
On Tuesday afternoon a smart ‘Sixth Form Destinations’ board went up in the newly refurbished foyer of our smart Sixth Form Centre. Within minutes, a crowd of aspirational...