Student of the week
We are very proud of our students at Bushey Meads and we are delighted to recognise hard work in all forms. The pastoral team are privileged to work alongside such dedicated...
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We are very proud of our students at Bushey Meads and we are delighted to recognise hard work in all forms. The pastoral team are privileged to work alongside such dedicated...
Posted by Laura Godfrey
It was a pleasure to observe a year 8 science lesson this week, delivered by Mrs Bevil- Gahan, Lead SEND teacher. The lesson focused on the Earth’s magnetic field with the...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
At BMS we always like to celebrate World Book Day and use it as another opportunity to profile the importance of reading. This year we want to build around the day and celebrate...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Year 10 undertook a Moments Circus. Students were presented with 6 stations, each giving an example of an object that demonstrates moments in action. They had a few minutes at...
Posted by admin
This week was Children’s Mental Health Week and the theme of this week’s Assembly was Resilience. Mrs Ash, Head of Safeguarding, Standards and SEND spoke about what it...
Posted by Tracy Greenwood
Please use the half-term break to ensure your child returns to school in perfect uniform. This includes blazer, tie and school shoes (not trainters). Please also make sure that...
Posted by Olivia De Groot
We have been delighted to have already received so many wonderful projects from the More Able Handbook. Examples include Aashiyana’s stunning photograph below, and a...
Posted by Olivia De Groot
At BMS we are very grateful to our top practitioners and key members of our Teaching and Learning Team for the outstanding continuing professional development (CPD) opportunities...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was a real privilege to join a number of CDC groups last Friday morning and see everyone engaged in our embedded reading programme – starting the day by listening to...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
On Friday morning all Year 11 students attended a very important raising achievement assembly and received Progress Cards clearly indicating their aspirational target grades and...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
We are very proud of our students at Bushey Meads and we are delighted to recognise hard work in all forms. The pastoral team are privileged to work alongside such dedicated students and we are very grateful for the opportunity to recognise just a few of these each week.
Archie 7M
Archie has impeccable manners and a positive attitude to learning.
Ellie 😯
Ellie is always kind and polite and a credit to the school.
Terry 9O
For positive behaviour in lesson and a great ATL
Amelie 10M
Showing amazing resilience and persistence in her classes. Amelie always greets everybody and every situation with a genuine smile and a willingness to try. We are so proud of the progress Amelie is making in year 10.
Charlie 11B
For great focus and attitude towards his GCSE revision.
Benji 12S and Alex 12W Mr Cartledge has nominated Benji and Alex for their help officiating the County League Athletic Match. Mr Cartledge said they were superb and excellent role...
We are very proud of our students at Bushey Meads and we are delighted to recognise hard work in all forms. The pastoral team chose the student of week by looking at all the...