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Student of the Week
We are very proud of our students at Bushey Meads and we are delighted to recognise hard work in all forms.  The pastoral team chose the student of week by looking at all the available information, including the rewards/consequence points and feedback from all staff here at Bushey Meads.
A massive and heartfelt congratulations to the following students, who have been awarded this weeks student of the week:
7A Rose Stanley – For an amazing behavioural record and continued excellence in class.  Rose is an excellent ambassador for Bushey Meads who always has a smile on her face and a willingness to learn and help.
8A Ibiye Harry-Brown – Excellence throughout Year 8.  Ibiye is a conscientious student who also displays the spirit of fair play and a mind to be kind at all times.
9B Evan Luxton – For consistently displaying a great attitude to learning, both during home learning and in the classroom.  He is a dedicated member of 9 Beech and regularly represents his house during extra curricular activities.
10O Emily Clarke – Maintaining a positive attitude to school life, being involved with after school activities and displaying good learning behaviour.

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