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Sixth Form Students of the Week

Sixth Form Students of the Week

Giles Monks
Giles Monks
Sixth Form Students of the Week
Ibiso 12A, Mihir 12S, Rakchiga 12W, Kaushal 12S, Apilan 12A, Alvin 12S, David 12M, Joshua 12W , Srivithuran 12M, Ratshakan 12O and Manuka  12E

Mrs Sullivan has nominated all of these Sixth Form prefects for their hard work and assistance after school with the Year 9 Options evening. Prefects stood out in the rain helping in the car park, or greeted families on their arrival at BMS while other Sixth Formers served refreshments. All the Sixth Formers who volunteered for this event were professional role models, helpful and engaging when talking to parents and Y9 about their options.  We have received many positive comments from Year 9 parents, all of whom remarked on how impressed they were by our our smart and courteous SIxth Formers.  Well done all of you, we are proud of how well you have represented Bushey Meads.

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