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Secondary School Experience Week

Secondary School Experience Week

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Secondary School Experience Week

This is now the second year that we have offered the Year 6 students in our Multi Academy Trust the opportunity to take part in a Secondary School Experience Week at BMS. All Year 6 students are invited (regardless of whether they are coming to Bushey Meads in Year 7) and from all accounts they have had a fantastic time.

The week gets them use to carrying their school bags from one lesson to another, navigating a large secondary school site, mixing with students from aged 11 – 18 and the chance to experience typical secondary school subjects, some of which they do not study in a primary setting.

Pictured here are 30 of the 90 students learning about our state of the art Learning Resource Centre or LRC and listening attentively to our hard working Deputy Head of Sixth Form Ms Timotheou.

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