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VEX nationals here we come!
Team Spectrum have gone from strength to strength during this seasons tournaments. On Saturday, we had the long trek to Canterbury for the latest tournament, to take on schools...
Jack & The Beanstalk
This year, St James’s Music and Drama society bring you this classic story of Jack & the Beanstalk. Join our hero Jack on his adventures as he works with his friends...
Kindness thought of the week
Word of the Week – CUSP
The Year 11 Countdown Begins
With less 65 school days to go until the first GCSE exam, year 11 students have started the new term with a series of focused interventions. These interventions close gaps,...
Consideration is the Cornerstone of Everything
Consideration is the Cornerstone of Everything Assistant Headteacher Mr Mitman led some very powerful main school assemblies this week on the very important theme of the...
Restorative Approaches at BMS
Our 3Rs of Respect, Responsibility and Relationships underpin everything we do at Bushey Meads School. On Monday morning Assistant Headteacher Mr Mitman led the Monday Magic...
Whole Staff Training Session
I would like to thank Assistant Headteacher Mrs Greenwood, SENDCo Mrs Seed, and Pastoral Managers Mrs Blowers and Mrs Smith for leading our whole staff training session last...
Bushey Meads Alumni Event
In the last week of the Autumn term we were able to invite a host of former pupils into school. We are so proud of our students and endeavour to keep in touch so that A level...