Fashion Designers of the Future
On Tuesdays after school as group of creative year 9s have been developing their fashion illustration skills, taking part in a project runway style challenge that we have...
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On Tuesdays after school as group of creative year 9s have been developing their fashion illustration skills, taking part in a project runway style challenge that we have...
Posted by Hannah Budd
It was great to see the hall full of year 11 students, parents and carers this week for the Raising Achievement Evening on Tuesday 13th March. Students received a pack full of...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
On 14th March 2018 four of our top year 10 mathematicians (Pallav, Bhavik, Lewis and Pavit) seized the opportunity to put their maths skills to the test in a team based...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
As we celebrated the end of more able week it was great to see two Bushey Meads students representing the school in the County schools swimming gala. Megan Worley (Yr7) and...
Posted by Sarah Cooper
A great day at this years competition held at Bushey Academy Old Hall. Bushey Meads was represented very admirably by: Year 7: Noah, Ashwin, Haard and Rachit Year 9: Andrei,...
Posted by David Chalkley
On Tuesday of this week Deputy Headteacher – Mrs Ash, Advanced Skills Leader and Head of Faculty, Maths – Mr Varsani and Head of Faculty, English – Ms Court...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
The Year 8 Boys have produced some very promising performances over the last week winning 2 matches and losing 1. It has been great to see them applying the skills learnt in...
Posted by Ashley Cartledge
Willow House meet Apprentice TV star Harrison Jones On Friday Willow House were lucky enough to have a very special guest speaker in their assembly. Harrison Jones is a local...
Posted by Hannah Budd
After my previous weekly visits: watching videos of broken bones; learning about heat transfer and aiding a practical about acids and alkalis, I was really looking forward to my...
Posted by Jey Atchuthan
Key Stage 3 This week’s KS3 student of the week is Akhil – 9 Sycamore for making excellent academic progress in his most recent assessment. Akhil is hard working and...
Posted by Kashan Malik
It was great to see the hall full of year 11 students, parents and carers this week for the Raising Achievement Evening on Tuesday 13th March. Students received a pack full of useful information such as an updated progress 8 card, exam timetable, revision timetable and a booklet with useful tips.
The evening was a fabulous opportunity to consider all the interventions that have already been supporting our year 11 students with their GCSE’s and to highlight the further opportunities that are on the horizon such as the Easter holiday revision programme and the launch of this year’s ‘Study Saturday’ programme which commence with Mr Back on 21st April.
Ms Bowe, Mr O’Brien and Mr Varsani talked through the best ways to improve in English, science and maths and how parents can be checking on progress. Our Deputy Head Boy, Nathaniel, and Exam Mentor, Rima, then shared their advice and top tips from their experience last year.
With now only 26 school days until the start of the exams every day counts.
The promotion of independent learning is integral to our curriculum. Independent learning refers to a student’s ability to take responsibility for their learning and...
It has been so impressive to see the positive start all our new Year 7 students have made at Bushey Meads, safely finding their way around the school site, meeting their teachers...