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“Rainbows are made of small raindrops. Happy lives are made from acts of kindness.”

“Rainbows are made of small raindrops. Happy lives are made from acts of kindness.”

Stephanie Knowles
Stephanie Knowles
“Rainbows are made of small raindrops. Happy...

Students in A2 on Tuesday afternoon spotted a wonderful rainbow through the window that lifted everyone’s spirits in a world so full of negatives, scaremongering and conflict,

it was felt that moments like this were natural reminders of …

However, after the students left and I went out of A block over to the staffroom, a student held open A block door to me; as I went to cross the road, a car stopped to wait for me to cross; as I walked down the path towards reception, a student smiled and said! “have a lovely evening, Miss” and finally, upon walking into the staffroom to make a cup of tea, a colleague got the milk out of the fridge for me.  The afternoon was now perfect!

“Rainbows are made of small raindrops. Happy lives are made from acts of kindness.”

― Amit Ray
Many thanks to Henna Nabi in Year 9 for the photograph.

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