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Perfect Prefect Launch Meeting

Perfect Prefect Launch Meeting

Suresh Varsani
Suresh Varsani
Perfect Prefect Launch Meeting

Led by our Head Prefect Georgia Sargent and Deputy Head Prefects, Angel DeAlwis and Christina Bodnar, our BMS Prefects had their launch meeting this Wednesday lunchtime.

Very shortly, our 50 strong prefect team will be deploying themselves in many parts of the school to make a positive difference supporting students and staff in taking the Bushey Meads experience and journey to the next level!
Georgia explained the vital role the Prefects would play in supporting the current staff duty team in making the school environment a safe and happy place for everyone. Additionally, the Prefects will make a positive difference in improving our recycling habits and eco friendly consciousness.
Two new exciting ventures for the prefect team this year were also launched.
With mental health of students being very close to our hearts, a dedicated room with Prefects trained in supporting mental health is soon to be open as an option for any students to go to for a bit of destressing and taking the weight of their shoulders should they be feeling this way.
A second new venture is and academic team mentoring system which emulates the successful staff team mentoring system we currently have in place. This will allow a much greater number of students to receive mentoring in a fun way to become the very best they can be.
The keenness and passion to get involved in making a positive difference to the Bushey Meads family was inspiring to see and I know you will all join me in wishing Georgia and her team of Prefects a wonderfully impactful and rewarding year ahead.

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