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PE Health and Health Faculty News

PE Health and Health Faculty News

Ashley Cartledge
Ashley Cartledge
PE Health and Health Faculty News

Bushey Meads PE and Health Faculty Extra-Curricular provision
It has been great to see so many students take advantage of the after school year group sports clubs that are taking place every evening. Clubs in football, netball, trampolining and badminton are taking place every day with all students that attend receiving an R2. Although we are not allowed to play any inter school matches yet it has been great to see the enthusiasm of all the students who have attended as they strive to build up their fitness and skill level after the lockdown period. The physical and mental benefits of regular physical activity are well documented and we continue to encourage all of our students to participate in 1 hour of physical activity every day. All clubs are inclusive with activities changing throughout the year.

For full details of the clubs, fixtures and practices students and parents need to check on the Bushey Meads School website in the Calendar icon where you will find a full list of the extra-curricular activities. This is updated on a weekly basis to show the fixtures and practices for each week. In addition students can check the notice boards in the boys and girls changing rooms. The PE and Health Faculty also have their own Twitter account which includes regular updates on fixtures, match reports and details of forthcoming events.

For any parental enquiries about any aspects of PE contact the Head of PE and Health Faculty Mr Cartledge. ( For any specific issues related to Girls PE and girls fixtures contact Miss Cooper (

Year 7 PE
It is always great to see the new Year 7 students enjoying their first PE lessons at Bushey Meads. Students have been taking part in the Introduction to PE programme involving lessons in Invasion games, Striking Fielding games, Net court games, Gymnastics and Athletics. This is then followed by lessons in Sport Education and The Effects of Exercise on the Body before the new groups are made up at half term. The attitude of all the students has been excellent and this has been supported by over 40 students regularly turning up on a Thursday for after school club.


CNAT Sports Studies – Year 11 Unit R051
The Year 11 CNAT Sports Studies group have had a very busy start to the year. On Friday’s after school the group have been completing their practical badminton assessments for Unit R052 as well as continuing their training in athletics officiating in their practical lessons.Students are developing their understanding in how to officiate a range of events including track, throwing and jumping events.

In theory lessons the group are currently following the exam Unit on Contemporary issues in Sport. In a recent lesson the group were looking at Emerging Sports and the Values promoted through participation in sport. To further develop their understanding the group took part in a simulated international game of lacrosse, a new sport which the group had no previous experience of. After respectfully listening to the national anthems the group played out a very keenly contested match with all the students enjoying the opportunity to develop their understanding through practical learning.

Year 10 Unit R056 Enrichment Day Trip
The first Enrichment Day of the year saw the Year 10 Sports Studies group attend a days sailing and raft building with the Bury Lake Young Mariners at Rickmansworth Aquadrome. The trip was part of Unit R056 Developing knowledge and skills in outdoor activities where students are developing their experience of the range of different outdoor activities in the UK. Despite the constant rain the boys showed fantastic enthusiasm for the activities showing great control in the sail boats and really using the wind to develop speed. In the afternoon session the boys built their own rafts and both teams managed to row them around the course….just !! Although everyone was very wet by the end of the day great fun had been had by all and the boys were a credit to the school. The group now looks forward to further trips in BMX and mountain biking before the summer trip to Cornwall. Many thanks again to the team at BLYM and well done to all the boys for their efforts throughout the day.

The year 11 GCSE PE group have returned to school with a great work ethic. Practical lessons have taken place in badminton, trampolining and football with the students focusing on the areas they will be assessed in. With changes to the exam specification students will now be required to submit evidence of their performance in two sporting activities.

In theory lessons we have been looking at the commercialisation of sport: How the media and sponsorship have affected and continue to affect sport and the relationship between the 3 industries, known as ‘The Golden Triangle’. Using literacy maps students have been trying, with much success, to develop the style of their written answers to demonstrate knowledge. (pics of books)

Year 10 GCSE PE – ABU
The first enrichment day of the year saw the new year 10 GCSE cohort take part in an action packed day of PE. Students began the day in the sportshall learning how to play volleyball. They had never played volleyball in school so it gave them all a great opportunity to learn and enjoy playing a new sport. Students looked at specific techniques such as the set that they could use within a game situation. Students then moved into the classroom to create a moving arm. This activity was an excellent way for them to apply their knowledge that they have learnt in their theory lessons so far this year. The students then took part in a series of individual and group challenges in the fitness suite. This session also gave the students the opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge to a practical activity whilst still challenging themselves physically. Students were asked to see how far they could run, row and cycle within the hour. Combined they managed to complete over 60 miles! Overall the day gave the students a fantastic opportunity to take part in various sporting activities as well as using their theory knowledge of the subject acquired fo far to enhance their experience.

Year 11 Level 2 Sports Leaders
The Year 11 Sports Leaders have restarted their training for the Level 2 Sports Leaders qualification. The group took part in a 2 hour after school session looking at the structure, organisation and planning of a sports session. The group are really developing their leadership skills and are now looking forward to delivering their own sessions over the next few weeks. At the end of this week’s session the group designed a game themselves showing initiative and a real understanding of what makes a good game. We look forward to following their progress over the next few weeks.

The rest of the photographs can be accessed by clicking this link: PE & Health Article Photos

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