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British Schools Karting Championship
A welcome return to this competition after a 2 year break because of covid. 12 students entered the competition at the Watford track back in March. 3 students qualified for the...

PE and Health Faculty News
ATHLETICS County League Athletics – Match 2 Date : Wednesday 11th May On Wednesday 11th May the BMS Junior and Senior athletics teams were in action in the second County...

Year 11 and 13 Examinations Started Brilliantly
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Opportunity to become a Governor at a Local School
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Summer Lunchtimes at BMS
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Stand Up Concert at BMS
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County League Athletics – Match 2
Date : Wednesday 11th May
On Wednesday 11th May the BMS Junior and Senior athletics teams were in action in the second County League Athletics match of the season. It was another tough match with the teams competing with Hemel Hempstead, Kings Langley, Reach Free, Croxley Danes and Royal Masonic schools. It was a tough first match but the students acquitted themselves well with some very positive individual performances.. Special mention to C Noonan in Year 8 who made it 2 wins out of 2 in the Junior Girls Shot Put. Also L Dokelman who won the Junior Boys High Jump and N Bryan who won the Senior Boys Shot. Well done to all those who took part as we look forward to the remaining 4 matches.
Commended performances :
Team score – 33 points – 3rd
C Noonan 1st Shot
E Bird 2nd High Jump
M Baines 2nd Hurdles
Z O’Brart 3rd Discus
S Wells 3rd 100m
L Winslett 3rd 1500m
Team score – 36 points – 3rd
L Dokelman 1st High Jump
S Patel 2nd Triple Jump
L Fearnside 2nd Pole Vault
M Tregear 3rd Discus
Relay 3rd
Team score – 21 points – 5th
E Donald 2nd Shot
Team score – 34 points – 4th
N Bryan 1st Shot
A Williams 3rd Long Jump
A Gates 2nd 800m
M Simmonds 3rd Hurdles and 3rd High Jump
J Laguthusan 2nd triple Jump
K Tinriover 3rd Javelin
MATCH 4 : Thursday May 26th 2022
MATCH 5 : Wednesday June 8th 2022
MATCH 6 : Wednesday June 155h 2022
Year 7/8 Cricket v Westfield (Division 1)
Date : Thursday 12th May 2022
Score : Bushey Meads 88 for 3 from 15 overs, Westfield 89 for 7 from 15 overs
Result : Lost by 1 run
Bowling : S Mowle 3 for 13, A Sanga 2 for 4, G Holdback 0 for 8, S Patel 0 for 17, H Neal 1 for 21, P Kannan 0 for 14, G Guainiere 0 for 9
Batting : S Patel 25 not out, S Mowle 21 not out
Team : S Mowle, S Patel, G Holdback, H Neal, A Sanga, L Johnson, P Kannan, Z Watson, J Allan, K Fung, G Guainiere, A Muraj
Comment : The first cricket match of the new season saw a very keenly contested game that was decided by the last ball of the game. BMS batted first and an excellent partnership between S Mowle and S Patel eventually saw the boys finish on 88 for 3 after the 15 overs. The Westfield innings started very brightly but some excellent mid innings bowling eventually saw the away team leave themselves requiring 8 off the last over. Despite the efforts of the BMS boys the Westfield batsmen managed to hit the required total off the lastball. There were lots of positives in the game for the BMS team and we can look forward with confidence to the rest of the season.