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Move It! The UK’s biggest dance event
MOVE IT is the U.K.’s biggest and best dance event, celebrating all forms of dance and the performing arts. 44 students from Bushey Meads got the amazing opportunity to attend...
Sycamore House Update
With our recent theme of the week on ‘Cooperation’, it was a great way to begin our House assemblies by highlighting all the ways in which Bushey Meads School has come together to...
British Science Week at BMS
British Science Week ran from 9th – 18th March this year and we celebrated it with a range of events from a scavenger hunt and daily quiz, to turning a copper coin gold and...
Year 10 Work Experience 2018
Earlier this month all of our year 10 students had the opportunity to experience the workplace. Students thoroughly enjoyed the change of routine and being given the opportunity...
Word of the Week – Issue 10
Maths Challenge – Issue 10
Scientist of the Week – Issue 10
Year 7 Poetry Workshop at Stanmore Library
As part of the English Faculty’s ongoing commitment to supporting our most able students, we were excited to take 10 Y7 students to a poetry workshop being run by the Authors...
Fashion Designers of the Future
On Tuesdays after school as group of creative year 9s have been developing their fashion illustration skills, taking part in a project runway style challenge that we have...