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Designers on the Horizon
Over in technology, we have launched some new projects with our students, challenging students to get ‘hands on’ and stuck in to some practical tasks. Year 8 student Ben Rutter...

Fantastic things are happening in Art lessons.
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Supporting Dyslexic Students.
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Word of the Week: Orator

National Children’s Mental Health Week 2021
As we all consider what we can do to continue supporting each other during these difficult times, this week’s National Children’s Mental Health Week seems all the more...

Loving Learning!
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Live lessons from a student perspective…
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The New Landscape for Feedback
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Scientist of the Week
As we all consider what we can do to continue supporting each other during these difficult times, this week’s National Children’s Mental Health Week seems all the more important.
I know that parents and carers are all doing their bit to support their children, whether learning at home or attending face to face lessons in school but I am deeply grateful for all the work that our dedicated pastoral staff are doing to support the positive mental health of the young people in our care.
In addition, under the leadership of our inspirational Head of Faculty for PE & Health, Mr Cartledge, all staff in his faculty are also doing everything they can to promote positive physical and mental health, encouraging students to do at least one aspect of physical exercise each day and send in photos to evidence this.
This recent email to our Pastoral Manager Mrs Blowers I’m sure articulated many similar thoughts held by a number of parents and carers during this challenging time:
Dear Mrs Blowers
I just wanted to thank you and all the staff for what you are giving. So much of normal life that children need, to develop their confidence and identity, is not accessible to them, and so they find themselves without those all too important social interactions: Separated from their peers, friendship building stopped in its tracks. This puts them in an emotionally difficult position where their mental health is compromised. Their only lifeline is online, a poor substitute, and often detrimental one, to natural socialising.
Despite having to adjust to a strange and unfamiliar way of being at school, there hasn’t been a single day that our son hasn’t come home from school with a positive. I cannot tell you how much that lifts my spirits to hear him talk of fulfilling interactions with teachers and staff members, fun lessons, positive social encounters with students he hadn’t previously got to know, and even reports of tasty meals! Having these rich encounters at school breaks up the solitude that he often experiences during lockdown.
I wanted to express my gratitude to all the staff at BMS for helping him in this way, at this deeply difficult time. Warmest wishes,
Year 8 Parent