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Marking and Feedback Reflections

Marking and Feedback Reflections

Daniel Mitman
Daniel Mitman
Marking and Feedback Reflections
Following our successful recent Marking and Feedback Fortnight earlier this term, the week started on Monday with a concise summary from two of our Advanced Lead Teachers, highlighting some really successful practice that exists at BMS. The encouraging presentation took place in our Staff Briefing and was led by Miss Sumpter and Mr Harris.
Many staff are carefully building in Dedicated Improvement and Reflection Time (DIRT) to their lessons and planning these moments in their schemes of learning to enable students to respond to green pen feedback and move their work to the next level. Often the student assessments are captured and ragged for ease of tracking. Sometimes these tracking sheets are shared with the students to encourage and support their progress over time as a visual way of indicating where improvements need to be made.
Other staff were highlighted as designing really good assessment sheets and for carefully scaffolding and supporting students to self and peer assess their own work and the work of their peers in a meaningful way – often linking any guidance prompts to the clear exam board criteria.
In terms of next steps it was suggested that we continue to build more consistency of practice across all classrooms and work on improving the quality of student purple pen work through the use of Purple Pen Prompt Slides, model answers and clear links to success criteria.

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