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Learning Support Update

Learning Support Update

Roa Dillon
Roa Dillon
Learning Support Update

I have started to share a ‘SEND tip of the month’ with our teachers and I thought all the parents home schooling could also use the advice so I am sharing it with you too. We are constantly striving to be a centre of excellence for SEND students, and the BMS staff are always open to new ideas and strategies. If you would like any additional resources please let me know.

Please can everyone try at least three of the bullet points with an identified SEND student in the month of February.

Remember in February 2021:

  • Processing time – WAIT 10 seconds – feels a long time but persevere!
  • Gain eye contact and say name before instruction.
  • One instruction at a time to support pupils with memory difficulties.
  • Consider the pace of your speech – speak slowly and simplify language.
  • If a pupil does not appear to understand – repeat what you have said rather than rephrase – this avoids giving a new set of language to understand. If this doesn’t work – simplify.
  • Show pupils as much as you tell them – eg new vocab = visual (communicate through print/pictures)
  • Provide choice direction …when you have done…. Then you can…..
  • Offering a choice will prevent negotiation and help avoid a power struggle.
  • Praise! Praise! Praise! – SEND students respond very positively to constant praise. If they answer incorrectly praise them for attempting the question.

I would like to bring your attention to the wonderful resource run by Mrs McDermott who is responsible for our dyslexic students. We have a google classroom dedicated to our dyslexic students/parents. If you feel you or your child would benefit from the resources and help, please contact me and we will have you added to this fantastic resource. Please also find the link below.

Google Classroom

The Learning Support garden is making a good start. We can see our first shoots of daffodils appearing. I was honoured to be asked to plant the first bulb after the students did all the hard work digging and preparing the area for planting. Our polytunnel is starting to take shape and Eden and Kellie have worked very hard during lockdown to continue working on the land. After a fantastic visit to Falconers to see Mrs Ash (Acting Headteacher) I was lucky to meet some of the amazing teachers there, and we are going to share their idea for the produce we grow and call it ‘Plant to Plate’ and once the vegetables are grown, they are going to be used by our catering team.

I would like to extend a huge thank you to Miss & Mr Dunsby for all their generous donations of gardening equipment. We would not have been able to make such a great start without all the equipment you have donated to us.

Please remember the offer for face to face teaching to help any student who is struggling with home learning is always there. We are here to help and would welcome your child back into school if they are struggling at home.

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