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Inspiring Careers Support for Year 13 students
On Thursday 24 November, Year 13 students had the opportunity to experience an interview with external professionals from a range of businesses and careers. This gave the students...

A new addition to the IT team!
This week, the IT team welcomed a new member of staff, Mr Helyer, who has started with us as a Junior IT Technician. Throughout the week he has put his hand to a variety of jobs...

¡Vamos a España! YEAR 9 TRIP TO SPAIN
If you study Spanish and you are in Year 9, you have 6 days left to sign up for the Spanish trip which this year will take place in Andalucía! Andalucía is the most stunning part...

Inspiring the Scientists of the Future
One of the perks of my job is visiting classes around the school to observe the fantastic teaching and learning taking place on a daily basis. I have had the pleasure to...

Christmas Soiree
We cordially invite you to the annual Bushey Meads Christmas Soiree on Tuesday 13th December at 6pm. Tickets will be sold via Eventbrite at the price of £4 for adults and free to...

BMS Building Work Update
I would like to commend all students for moving carefully around the school site in the area surrounding A Block; the building firm have commented on how polite and respectful...

PE and Health Faculty News
DEVELOPMENT TABLE TENNIS FESTIVALS The Year 8 and 9 table tennis teams have recently taken part in the Development Table Tennis Festivals at Grange Academy. Thursday 24th November...

Scientist of the Week

Innovative and Engaging Tips From Our Head of MFL
One of our top teachers and leaders in the school Head of Faculty for MFL Mrs Charles led our Monday Magic Moment in Staff Briefing at the start of our week and shared some great,...