Summer Term High Achiever Awards
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Posted by Jeremy Turner
Please come and join in the celebration! This year’s GCSE and A Level art exhibition is fast approaching. The art department will be exhibiting current GCSE art work as well...
Posted by Sam Cole
The annual Next Steps evening was held on Wednesday 14 June for Year 12 students alongside their parents and carers. Led by Mr O’Kelly, Associate Leader and Head of Sixth Form,...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Posted by Danielle Bowe
Last Tuesday, I was privileged to take 60 Year 7 students to the Warner Bros Studios for the day in acknowledgement of their sustained efforts in library studies throughout the...
Posted by Teresa Turton
It is always superb to hear about the ongoing success of some of our ex-students as they continue to Aspire to Achieve beyond BMS. Last week I heard from the parents of Christina...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Our hard working Year 11 students are completing their last few ‘rites of passage’ this week as they prepare to take their next exciting steps into post 16 education...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
The theme of the week this week was one of our three core values from the acronym BMS: Belief, Motivation , Success. Mr Turner, Executive Principal, delivered assemblies this week...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Rahul 12W Mrs Razavi has nominated Rahul for his work in Chemistry. Mrs Razavi says Rahul is a hardworking student who consistently demonstrates dedication, resilience and...
Posted by Giles Monks
Posted by Maryam Razavi
It has been almost a year and there have been numerous Year 7 students taking interests in the field of computing and IT. We have:
o Minecraft
o Flappy bird
o Maze puzzle
o Hello World
A great thumb up to Nikolaj!
A thank you note to Year 12 student Joshua Riley who has been supporting the club every Friday lunch time without failing. Your help and support to the club are much appreciated.
This year has started off with a bang in STEM. Programming from Scratch is being taken to a new level by BMS students. A collection of new aspiring projects in programming. These...
The annual Next Steps evening was held on Wednesday 14 June for Year 12 students alongside their parents and carers. Led by Mr O’Kelly, Associate Leader and Head of Sixth Form,...