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To Infinity and Beyond!

To Infinity and Beyond!

Suresh Varsani
Suresh Varsani
To Infinity and Beyond!

Having completed their GCSE Science assessments, our Year 11 students have been treated to some really special practical experiments and outdoor learning STEM experiences.

Our inspirational Head of Chemistry, Mr Charmokly was getting students to create two paper rockets, with one key difference in it’s features (variables) to see what impact this had on the flight of the rocket.  The students worked in groups to create their paper/card rockets and as if this wasn’t enough fun, they then took to the school field to actually launch the rockets!!  To end the lesson, the students went back into the classroom and discussed and evaluated the impact of the various features of the rockets.
Yet another example of outstanding teaching and learning at Bushey Meads School – well done Mr Charmokly and of course our Year 11 students.
Check out the photos and videos to see what a memorable and fun lesson the students had.

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