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Inspirational Design and Technology Celebration Evening!

Inspirational Design and Technology Celebration Evening!

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Inspirational Design and Technology...
It was a truly inspiring experience to be able to attend this year’s annual Design and Technology Celebration Evening hosted by our dedicated Head of Faculty Mr Chalkley and our superb Design and Technology team. The evening began with a formal welcome by Mr Chalkley and an explanation of the importance of the eclectic mix of Design and Technology subjects offered at BMS in Main Hall. This was followed by an amazing fashion show by talented dancers who choreographed their movements to showcase the best of some superb student creations designed and made in textile lessons with Miss Pattni.
After the fashion show a number of students were presented with prestigious certificates of achievement for their contributions and attainment across the full range of subjects within the faculty.
We then made our way over to the Design and Technology Faculty to enjoy some refreshments and see the fantastic displays of student work from Key Stage 3 exhibits to some quite stunning A level creations. Parents and carers and fellow students could not have failed to be impressed by the student talent on display reflecting our exciting curriculum offer in this cutting edge faculty. Everyone who attended the event praised the effort and dedication of the staff who work so hard to ensure that all students reach their true potential in this specialist area of our school.

A few amazing examples from the stunning exhibition.The students themselves were on hand to explain the full design briefs behind their creations and some of the very intricate obstacles and challenges that they had to overcome along the way.

One of the highlights of the exhibition was the F1 in School display which showcased the highly successful work of the school’s STEM CLub and their achievement in winning the National F1 in Schools Competition earlier this year.
Each project often had a really important cross curricular theme linking with the design brief – for example a healthy eating twist as depicted in the Key Stage 3 packaging scheme of learning.  I would like to thank all the hard working staff and key leaders across the Design and Technology Faculty especially Mr Chalkley and Miss Pattni for arranging and organising such a superb event that was enjoyed by so many staff, students, parents and carers.
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