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Focused Learning Environment In Design and Technology

Focused Learning Environment In Design and Technology

Kashan Malik
Kashan Malik
Focused Learning Environment In Design and...

There was a tangible focus across the Design and Technology faculty during year 9 lessons last week.  Students were engrossed in their projects and all teachers were modelling the skills needed for the students to make progress.

Mrs Hewitt’s class were working on a resistant materials project, creating a box like the examples pictures below.Students were using tools to cut their pieces of wood to shape, ensuring that the angles were correct.  Techniques of using the various saws were modelled by Mrs Hewitt as well as more confident learners to their peers.

The calm and focused atmosphere was a pleasure to witness.

Mrs Hewitt was on hand to provide guidance for specific problems and facilitate solutions with the students.

Mr Chalkley’s class were working on an electronics project, looking at circuits to build their own electronic keyboard!

Students were shown a template circuit and had to then design their own circuit using the software package.

Mr Chalkey ensured that all students were on track and providing support and advice where needed.

Mrs Pattni’s class were working on a textiles project, where students were learning the skill of quilting.

Students were all working independently and Mrs Pattni was guiding the students and ensuring that they were learning the skills effectively.  The students were very confident on the sewing machines!

Finally Mrs Hanbury’s class were evaluating sweets and savoury breads that they had baked the day before!

Students had an evaluation sheet that they had to complete, giving marks for various criteria including texture, taste an appearance and also has to include a comment withs sensory descriptors!

The atmosphere was equivalent to Masterchef with all the students purposefully tasting the bread and making their judgements.


It was a pleasure to get a snapshot of what the year 9 students are experiencing in Design and Technology and how engaged they all were!

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