Enrichment Day MFL Year 10 Immersion
On Enrichment Day, MFL students from Year 10 did a language immersion day. We started off with French and Spanish café role plays which were fun as we practised ordering food and...
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On Enrichment Day, MFL students from Year 10 did a language immersion day. We started off with French and Spanish café role plays which were fun as we practised ordering food and...
Posted by Hilarie Charles
The day started with a talk about the transition from year 11 and the different pathways available to everyone; 6th Form, College or Apprenticeships. We looked at the different...
Posted by Di Mcildowie
Friday 28th September saw our first whole school Enrichment Day of the academic year. The students either had the opportunity to go on trips linked to their learning or immerse in...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Inspired by a professional theatre company our Year 13 Drama students were performing and taking on board some detailed feedback from their peers and Mr Futerill as they honed...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
This was a key question being answered by budding Year 7 scientists in Miss Morrin’s excellent science lesson on Tuesday of this week. There was a lot of excitement in the lab as...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
For all year groups we are required to pass on certain information to YC Hertfordshire services. YC Hertfordshire are the local government’s information and advice service for...
Posted by Di Mcildowie
The Gallery @ Bushey Meads now has an Instagram account thegallery_busheymeads Please follow us to see all the amazing work taking place in our fabulous Art department.
Posted by Morag Waring
Research shows that responding to high quality marking and feedback is one of the real keys to making outstanding progress in learning. It was therefore really encouraging to see...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
On the 28th September, Year 12 and 13 business students visited Thorpe Park Resort for the ‘Student World of Business Conference’. Lucy one of the marketing managers...
Posted by Marian Lewis
It was great to see so many students engaged in such a variety of exciting, extended learning activities during last week’s highly successful enrichment day. Pictured here...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
On Enrichment Day, MFL students from Year 10 did a language immersion day. We started off with French and Spanish café role plays which were fun as we practised ordering food and drink in French and Spanish, taking it in turns to be the waiter and the customer. We then did it for real and there was lots of delicious food such as pains aux chocolat, croissants, pains aux raisins and also orange juice (zumo de naranja / jus d’orange).
We then did an exciting treasure hunt around the school which involved scanning QR codes to get the name of the place in French/Spanish that we had just visited eg: la biblioteca / la bibliothèque (library) and we also had to collect clues that described the place that we were going to next. To win you had to have all the French and Spanish places in the school written down accurately. When ours was marked, we got a few spellings wrong so we quickly ran back, scanned the codes again and corrected our spellings. We came second and won lollipops!
We then completed a sheet on which we had to fill in the verbs in the gaps and check that the place names matched up with the locations.
We finished the day off with a film and activities. The French students watched Les Choristes while we watched Voces Inocentes a film in Spanish about the civil war in El Salvador. This was a really sad film, I learnt that 75,000 people died and children were forced to go into the army.
I really enjoyed the Spanish Enrichment Day!
Muchas Gracias / Merci!
Owen Thomas
Every Friday afternoon Bushey Meads Language Leaders go down to Little Reddings in groups of four to support a Year 5 French class. We have a rota so that every language leader is...