Cyberfirst Student Bursary and Development Scheme
This is a unique opportunity that rewards you for your talent and commitment whilst you study at University. The programme could potentially lead to exciting roles within...
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This is a unique opportunity that rewards you for your talent and commitment whilst you study at University. The programme could potentially lead to exciting roles within...
Posted by Mo Abusef
We are very proud of our students at Bushey Meads and we are delighted to recognise hard work in all forms. The pastoral team are privileged to work alongside such dedicated...
Posted by Laura Godfrey
It has been exciting to see the building developers on site at BMS since last Monday and see the progress that they have already made at the early stages of our £1.3 million...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Over the half term, a number of students in years 11 and 13 aided by 4 teachers decided to bravely go where many have not before – “The Big Apple” aka New York City. Aided...
Posted by Kwame Osei
The second week of our Marking and Feedback Fortnight this term started on Monday of this week with two key leaders within the science faculty at BMS sharing their expertise and...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
On Thursday 10th November, the student learning consultants came in early to school to deliver a session to the school governors, which involved them delivering a game to get to...
Posted by Jonathan Harris
Posted by Maryam Razavi
Posted by Danielle Bowe
Year 11s have begun their two week pre-public exam experience, marking the start of their journey. Destination: success! All students have taken the experience incredibly...
Posted by Stephanie Knowles
I was so delighted to welcome both year 4 classes from LRS this week for an opportunity to carry out a brilliant rainbow salad practical! Students in year 4 have been learning...
Posted by Alison Hanbury
This is a unique opportunity that rewards you for your talent and commitment whilst you study at University. The programme could potentially lead to exciting roles within government and industry. Particularly in intelligence and national security organisations or their industry partners, where you’ll help to shape and further advance our technical capability, including our ability to tackle national security threats.
During the years you study at University, you’ll receive a Bursary of £4,000 per year, tax free*. Each summer, you’ll complete either training at a CyberFirst Academy or an 8-week development placement with the NCSC, a government body or one of our industry members. Wherever you are placed for the summer, you will receive a summer placement payment equivalent to £2,000. In addition, you may receive expenses towards accommodation and travel. There’s also the potential for a year in industry placement, which you can receive assistance with to facilitate, if this is required by the university and course that you chose.
To apply for the CyberFirst Student Bursary and Development Scheme you must:
Applications will close at 23:00 on Monday 21st November 2022.
Please click on the following link for more details:
14th June – Open Day 19th June – Law and Criminology Taster Day 20th June- Hertfordshire Business School Taster Day 20th June- Mass Communications Taster Day...
I was so delighted to welcome both year 4 classes from LRS this week for an opportunity to carry out a brilliant rainbow salad practical! Students in year 4 have been learning...