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Consideration for Others

Consideration for Others

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Consideration for Others

This week it was great to hear the wisdom of Associate Leader and Head of Sixth Form Mr O’Kelly as he spoke to all the students in the school in our daily assemblies. He explained about our important Theme of the Week ‘Consideration’ and also made a strong link to the national Anti Bullying Week, commending the superb work of our own BMS Anti Bullying Ambassadors.

All week they have been promoting our culture of kindness in LRC4 and raising their profile in the school as advisers for anything related to bullying type issues that may occur between students at the school.

Mr O’Kelly reminded us of the ways to deal quickly and promptly with any matters related to concerns about potential bullying through reporting it on the Confide button (on all computers in the school), or by speaking to a Character Development Coach, or indeed any member of staff in the school.

Advice can always be sort from our Anti Bullying Ambassadors, the Pastoral Team or our highly skilled Intervention Manager Ms Mateides.

We all want our school to be the kindest school in the country and I would encourage all of you to play your part with this important agenda.

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