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Consideration Assembly delivered by Mr O’Kelly

Consideration Assembly delivered by Mr O’Kelly

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Consideration Assembly delivered by Mr...

One of the real strengths of Bushey Meads School is our immensely strong family ethos and atmosphere of kindness that exists across our learning community. This is something that recent Ofsted inspections have recognised and commented on ‘Leaders and staff have created a positive environment founded on the principle that the school has a mind to be kind’ (Ofsted Nov 2019) and in part is underpinned by our regular weekly year group gatherings for short inspiring assemblies that reinforce our embedded culture and community feel; something all staff and leaders at the school have worked hard to retain, even in these Covid times. As a reminder, despite no whole school or House Assemblies taking place in the school, year group assemblies are taking place.

They are allowed under the clear Government guidelines as the year group is one bubble, the assemblies last less than 10 minutes so, despite sitting next to each other, there is no ‘proximity contact’. All students are facing the front, sitting in silence (i.e. not talking) so there are no face to face conversations taking place and therefore no ‘close contact.’

Additionally, in the light of the recent Government announcement on Wednesday 4th November, an additional precaution is also being taken and students and staff are wearing face masks in these year group assemblies as an extra layer of protection. Pictured here are the Year 9 cohort last Friday behaving impeccably and listening superbly to Acting Assistant Headteacher and Head of Sixth Form Mr O’Kelly speaking about the hugely important Theme of the Week ‘Consideration’ firmly underpinned by our school mantra ‘Our School Has a Mind to be Kind’

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